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“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” -Aaron Siskind

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Madyson and Family

I wish I had more time to write but I've been swamped. I'm on my way to a photo shoot right now but mom wanted a sneak peek before I left. So...here you go Jill. Here's a couple of my favs.....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


What a fun little boy!!! I loved his outfits and it was so fun to just watch him because in some ways he already acts like such a little man. There were SOOOOO many that I loved....but these showed his cute little personality best. Here's my favs.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


...Meet Kayven. The little stinker was so grumpy during photo time we had to bribe him with candy every few seconds. I got my workout for the day though...I chased that little stinker around until I got the pictures that I needed. He eventually warmed up....all it took was a game of tag. And I won. ;) Here's some of my favs of him and his parents.


....Miss Madyson.

....Meet Madyson. She's 9 going on 25. LOL. And she just LOOOOOVED being in front of the camera. I could hardly push her out of the way when it was time for the other kids. She told me that she needs to practice getting her picture taken because...and I'm quoting her....."When I grow up, I'm gonna be famous..I'm gonna be a star...I'm gonna be in movies." Can't you just hear the song in your head? Well.....she's probably right because LOOK how beautiful she photographs. Here's some of my favs of her and her family.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

....Quinn and Griffin.

Meet Griffin and Quinn. Now....I normally wouldn't post such hideousness on my screen (Yes..I'm referring to the Michigan Jerseys)....but I had no choice. :) They're just so cute...although....they'd look much better in a Buckeyes Jersey. ;) Mom wanted 1 year pictures for Griffin and we threw in a couple of family pictures and big sister pictures as well. Trying to get a 1 year old and a 4 year old to smile at the exact same moment....well...now I believe it's near impossible. But....we managed to still get some really cute ones. What beautiful children! Here's some of my favs.



Meet Zac. My first "real" senior Session. Zac had studio senior pictures done but wanted something a little more funky for wallets. ...so he came to me. We went downtown and he was kind of into the graffiti...so...I went with it. Here's some of my favs.


...the Hollo Children.

....Can we say Adorable? Yes...we can. I am just in love with these pictures! I honestly couldn't even narrow it down. It was so hard! These kids were so much fun. I think I found myself playing with them more than I was taking pictures. :) When I left I heard them yelling my name still! LOL. Well, here's my favs. Pay close attention to the little girl's eyes. How COOL is that?


....The Ray Family.

Meet the Ray's. What a good looking family, right? They were so much fun! They were willing to step outside of the box and their clothing choices were perfect for the fall pictures. I just love the color scheme! Here's a few of my favorite family shots.


...the G children.

Well, Well, Well.....this was interesting. He wanted nothing to do with his sister. He wouldn't put his arm around her, he wouldn't hug her....he wouldn't even sit next to her. But what else can you expect from young boys. It's only a few years that you can get away with getting a brother to kiss his sister on the cheek. ;) They were so funny. And even though I didn't get the lovey dovey pictures I was going for....these were perfect. ;)
