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“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” -Aaron Siskind

Saturday, November 15, 2008

....K&G...and a little bit about Julie.

Meet K & G, my guinea pigs. ;) Julie, my mentor, (www.jp-photography.net) graciously donated me her niece and nephew to "practice" on. But MANNNNN, was I stressed. I had the most talented photographer in all of Toledo watching over my shoulder. Ok, Ok, so it FELT like she was watching over my shoulder. But to tell you the truth...she was just in the vicinity. She was watching Cole while I did the shoot. I'm so grateful that Julie and I crossed paths. She is so talented and I pray that someday I will be able to have even half of her talent. Not only is she a great photographer...but she has also became a very close friend to me. She shot some Wedding/TTD/Unveiled pictures for me and I am forever in debt to her for all that she has done for me. She is a constant inspiration and I would not be where I am without her help. So....anyways...back to the kiddos. I had a good time after my nerves calmed down...and well...here are my favs.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amanda, you are soooo stinkin kind! I do NOT deserve the credit you ahve given me! You are awesome and an "overnight success!" I will definitely be sending you some kids to shoot as my specialty is weddings!